Improving Lives through Key Opportunities
Who you work with matters
Welcome to KeyOpp Real Estate: Your Local Expert
It matters who you choose to work with when you’re buying, selling, or investing in San Francisco real-estate. We’ve been working in this market for years, and we know the homes here. We know the neighborhoods and the sales trends. We can help you have a better experience, whether you’re selling a home, buying your first home, or looking for an investment property that can provide some diversity and support to your growing portfolio.
We also help buyers and sellers in Burlingame, San Mateo, and the surrounding communities. Our team is knowledgeable, responsive, and honest. We will help you navigate the real estate process and meet your end goals with better results.
What We Do
Buy a Home
It’s always a great time to buy a home, but in the San Francisco market and throughout California, it’s an especially great time to buy a home. We’re here to help you manage the process, whether you’re buying your first home, or moving on from a place that no longer meets your needs, of finding a home that’s a better fit for your lifestyle and budget. We work with new community members moving into the area and with people who have lived here their whole lives.
Sell a Home
Invest in a Home
Investing in a San Francisco property is an excellent way to build wealth and establish financial stability. Your investment property will earn income for you while it grows in value. Buying and holding a property while you rent it out will allow you to retain a high-value asset in an expensive market. You’ll have excellent opportunities in five years, 10 years, and beyond.
Recent Successes
# Homes Closed
# of 5 Star Reviews
Trxn $ Volume to Date
San Francisco Inventory of Active Listings (SFH and Condos)
We're Here to Help!
If you’d like to learn more about our properties and what it’s like to work with us, get in touch.
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Contact Us
3557 Geary Boulevard, Floor 2,
San Francisco CA 94118
(628) 888-6086
DRE #02126094